Sunday, December 16, 2012


Is your furniture floating? Is your AC going off? Do you hear voices? If you do you might have a poltergeist in your house. Poltergeist is german for 'mischievous spirit'. They make objects float and make electrical objects go on the fritz. They sometimes do these kinds of stuff for their own amusement or to try to kill or make the house owner leave. To tell you have a poltergeist in your house, just check your electrical objects in the house because poltergeists and spirits need electric energy to make them strong and to make themselves visible to the living. They tend to be very hot headed because the might have died as criminals or in a terrible tragedy. Poltergeists are popular in both fact and fiction. In the 1980s Steven Speilburg released his movie trilogy Poltergeist.In 1939 a 13 year old boy claimed to be possessed by the devil. But after the incident was over scientists and paranormal researchers compare the boy's encounter with poltergeist phenomena more than biblical possession. And in 2010 the show lost tapes made a poltergeist episode. So look out in your property because you will never know if theres a poltergeist in the house or not.


  1. This is excellent work. I would like to talk to you about appearing on an upcoming episode we will be filming in March. Do you have an agent? Josh

  2. Hey if you get famous on that guy's show you still have to post, OK???!!!! The poltergeist stuff was great. Basiclally I lived in a house with one and it is not as fun as it sounds. It would make weird sounds all night and freak out everyone and the lights were always going on and off.
